“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
(JK Rowling)
The power of Churg-Strauss can not be undone. Fatigue continues to limit my possibilities. Bad dreams and insomnia are still a liability by disrupting my urgently needed rest.
But now I am back in the position to shape my future on my own again.
A time for true friends has come.
I feel in good hands with the doctors and staff. I respond well to the biological monoclonal antibodies and I am carefully monitored. The use of prednisone is down to 3mg, which is manageable. Currently there is no flare up in sight.
My friends are a source of joy. We join in little walks, we do Qi Gong, we crochet, we meet in summer in small cafes, where you can sit outside. Frequently I stop by my old pharmacy for a chat with former colleges. Once again, I am even attending smaller family events, like a baptism and Christmas celebrations. With interest, I engage myself with other people suffering from EGPA using social media, like Facebook or Instagram.
The foundation of my emotional balance is my beloved husband. We went through all of this together. It’s unimaginable how this wields the two of us together for a lifetime.
In the midst of all our struggle with the sickness, my husband fell in love with a wonderful woman. She brought happiness back in his life. This unusual relationship is an amazing source of energy for all three of us. We continue our lives as a loving trefoil, giving each other tender care and comfort.
Indeed, you can’t have enough love around you, when you have to drive away the shadows.
Thank you ...
- I would like to thank my general practitioner for taking me seriously and for pointing the diagnosis into the right direction.
- Thank you, dear patient advocates of the university clinic for doing nothing less, than saving my life.
- I am grateful for the ongoing treatment, which I am receiving from the friendly staff of the vasculitis clinic.
- Thanks for the endless supply of knitting wool, which I find at the little shop “Stricknadel” in my hometown.
- Thanks, Connie for encouraging me to write down this story. Going through this agony once more on paper gave me a lot of relief.
- The commitment and loving care, which my husband is giving me every single day is beyond imagination. Thank you, Thomas!