“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. “
(John Adams)
A friend helped. Despite the lingering issue with tuberculosis I did get an outpatient appointment with the head physician of the rheumatology department of our local university clinic. He reviewed my records: “Still, the diagnosis of Churg-Strauss-Syndrome is not fully proved. Before starting treatment, eosinophile granulocytes (vasculitis) need to be found in the body. That is the first task to work on”. He triggered a surgery to remove polyps in my sinuses and also fetch a biopsy from the ethmoid bone. This would lead us to the final piece of evidence needed.
The surgery happened in December. They removed two huge polypus and sent the biopsy for evaluation.
It was Christmas eve, when the diagnosis came back with bad news: Churg-Strauss-Syndrome has now been confirmed in its third stage, which is marked by a widespread inflammation of blood vessels. The shadows took slightly more shape and the sickness finally answered to its true name. But still, the dire consequences and impact are beyond my grasp. Trust and hope prevailed as the year 2019 turned to its end.
My husband took me to the seacoast to recover from the surgery and make the menace forgotten for a few days.
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